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Province: Lima
Location: Capital of Peru, at the central coast of the Pacific in Latin America
Population: alomost 7 million
Size: approx. 33.000 sq km
Weather: Dec-April: sunny and hot, May-Oct: cloudy and humid
Av. temperature 25 in summer and 17 in winter


Links inside this page
  The faces of Lima
  Lima of tranquility
  Colonial Lima
  Lima of the slums
  Archaeological Lima
  History of Lima
  Lima and its people
Additional links
Restaurants in Lima
Hotels in Lima
Embassies and diplomatic representatives



It is in this metropolis city of almost 8 million inhabitants where you will arrive entering Peru. By cruiser in the harbour of Callao or by airplane in the international airport of Jorge Chavez. He was a Peruvian aviation pioneer. The airport is located in Lima at approximately 45 minutes from the colonial center or the commercial districts as Miraflores, San Isidro, etc. The Peruvian capital was established by the Spanish "conquistadores" in 1535.

What to do for a day in Travel to Lima Peru

The faces of Lima:

Lima of tranquillity

Miraflores, the richest district of Lima

he exclusive Lima of the rich. There is a beach resort coast with the nautical hobbies like wave surfing, cruisers and sailing. The new commercial center of Larco Mar in Miraflores, the most elegant restaurants of the country with view over the Pacific Ocean, its five star hotels. Also known is the Camino Real with its great shopping malls in San Isidro. The districts of artists, paintings, poets, writers, musician like Barranco, with its bars and peñas (places where there is folkloric and also afro music as in the Andes or other regions of the country).

Colonial Lima

The Palace of Justice

The Catedrál at the Plaza Mayor

The Checkerboard of Pizarro", founded by this conqueror in 1535. The city was organized until the beginning of this century as the center of life and economy. It was the Peruvian capital where the conquerors of the viceroy lived with people like "Perricholi". It was the City of the Kings.

Today is Lima the city of chaos, contamination and street sellers (you can buy EVERYTHING. It's possible to build a house and to furnish it, without the need to go into a store!). In this part of the city there are the dayly traffic jams. Traffic is totally monstrous in crowd hours. The past few years things have improving a bit. The "ambulantes" or street vendors avoid the colonial city or got a place assigned by authority in one of the many commercial centers. Lot's of police and security agents diminished street crime to a low level. The most important squares and parks got a face-lift and look attractive these days. The mayor of Lima "Andrade" recently is reelected and will continue the good work. He and his staff designed an action plan to convert Lima in the tourist capital of Latin America.

Our travel agency offers you the quality and expectations that you are looking for the best marvelous places in Lima Tours.


Lima of archaeological places and magnificent museums

Peru has lot's of excellent archaeological material of any kind (ceramics, cloths, gold and silver objects money, etc.) which belong to numerous prestigious cultures : Chavin, Huari, Chimu, Mochica, Nazca, Paracas, Moxeque, Vicus, Inca, etc. Everybody can admire these fine objects of highly developed cultures in several museums in and around Lima, where these treasures are exposed.


History of Lima



The Preshispanic Period:
The oldest remains found in Lima are the settlements of fishermen in the valley of the Rimac River. In a later period the Proto-Lima culture is established with two mayor movements: the Aramburu and the Maranga. In the valley of Lima appeared the collas, originally from Canta and Huarochiri. In the last stage introduced the Incas their gods in this area but let the people continue worshipping their own religian. Pachacamac was a temple dedicated to the god of the Sun.


Hispanic Period:
The conquerer Francisco Pizarro founded Lima on the 18th of Januari 1535. They made Peru as the most important region of Latin America and a viceroy living in Lima represented the king of Spain.


Republican period:
Jose de San Martin liberated Peru from the Spanish colonization and declared Peru independent the 28th of July 1821. Slavery was banished and Lima was for a long time considered as the best developed city of Latin America.


Lima and its people

Lima was founded by the conqueror Francisco Pizarro on the 18th of January 1533. From the beginning on, this city was considered the new capital of Peru. The wealth imported by the Spanish nobility immigrated to Peru, made Lima originally the City of Kings. All gold was exported via this city to Spain. Many of the original colonial houses do still exist, but caused by the population explosion in the beginning of this century, Lima has lost a lot of its charm.

Lima stayed a small city for almost 400 years. In the twenties the city population multiplied three times. Since the Second World War, Lima multiplied by a factor 10 (!). Today almost 8 million people live in the metropolis, almost a third from the total population of Peru (23 million). The population density has all extremes in Peru. For example: the tropical rainforest covers over 60% of the country's territory and only 5% of the population lives in this unmeasurable forest. Most of the emigrants come from the Andes.

Since the new political climate in Peru a lot of investment has been done in hospitals, schools and universities. Most of the roads in bad quality were renewed. Many universities are private and expensive. Almost everybody that can afford university do their best to convert them into professionals. This is one of the only ways to secure future in Lima and earn good money.

To give you an idea how young the economy is in Peru, the stock market of this country exists since the late 80s and stock values rose 10 times in 8 years. For the moment is the market relative stable and inflation depends upon the world market. Peru is the only country in the world where companies can put shares on the market of workers and employees. Peru wants to attract more labor-intensive industry.


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From: Salvador posted at 09/04/2008 19:50:49 send a comment
para la chica argentina el concurso nacional de caballos de paso es en mamacona, yo vivo muy cerca de ahi, en centro turistico mas cercano es distrito de Pachacamac hay varios hoteles de turistas.
permitanme hacer una corrección, lima no es la ciudad del caos, es tan desordenada como cualquier gran capital de america.
From: Lisa posted at 10/10/2007 16:31:15 send a comment
peru is beautiful.
From: Ata posted at 14/02/2006 15:01:11 send a comment
thanks for your helping
From: Karen posted at 24/10/2006 09:54:21 send a comment
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All the best and a huge.

Karen. X

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