27/07/2024 2 comments   Contact   Sitemap   About

The Inca Trail

An Introduction to the Inca Trail

Welcome to the Inca Trail, a must-do for any traveler to the city of Cusco. The trail is still not well known to the world, but is without any doubt one of the most beautiful tracks that can be done.

We would like to give you a virtual impression of the trail by taking you on a trip inside the ancient world of the Incas. We start of in Cusco and our first part of this interactive travel starts in a little known ruin Rimactambo in a town called Limatambo. Here we got to know the people in our excellent group brought together by the sympatic Patricia. I thank her a lot to bring this group together that were part of this 10 days Inca Trail.

A word of history

The trail was a very important part in the organisation in the empire of the Incas, Tawantinsuyu. This huge kingdom from Quito in Equador and Santiago to Santiago in Chili was gouverned in the capital of Cusco. When the Spanish conquered this empire, they said that the Incas had the best organised society of the world (16th century). It is known that it took the runners, who were called the chasquis, 3 days to bring a message from Lima to Cusco, while the Spaniards with their horses needed at least two weeks. Fish from the ocean arrived in less than 3 hours in the city of Cusco that is situated in the middle of the Andes.

Parts of the Inca Trail still exist and is the most exciting way to get to the sacred city of Machu Picchu. It takes a bit of effort and good condition to do the trail. For the first time on the Internet, it is possible to walk the trail from behind your computer. We offer the 10-days Inca Trail in these pages. To find out about the most popular 4-days trail, check out the information on the map. Follow the links and enjoy!!

Let's go to Limatambo first...

Program Duration
Inca Trail 4 days 4 Days and 3 Nights
Inca Trail 2 days 2 Days and 1 Night
Inca Trail Private 2 days 2 Days and 1 Night
Inca Trail Private 4 days 4 Days and 3 Nights
Inca Trail Private 5 days 5 Days and 4 Nights
Salkantay 5 days 5 Days and 4 Nights
Salkantay Private 7 days 7 Days and 6 Nights
Choquequirao Trek 5 days 5 Days and 4 Nights
Choquequirao and Machupicchu 8 Days 8 days and 7 nights
Ausangate Trek 7 days 7 Days and 6 Nights
Lares Trek 4 days 4 Days and 3 Nights
Choquequirao and Machupicchu 10 Days 10 Days and 9 Nights

Travel Links: Inca Trail to Machu Picchu - Inca Trails - Inca Trail Peru

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Since 16/08/2005
40662 visits
From: Mary Chayka posted at 25/11/2008 11:30:50 send a comment
I wanted to say thank you for helping to make our trip to Peru so wonderful.
Miluska was a great guide...she is so thoughtful, knowledgeable and friendly...we couldn't have had a better guide to show us the way.
And the cooks, Hyme and Joachiam were great and the food was so fresh and nicely prepared.
And our horseman were also very good.
And Lucas was a great driver and always on time and helpful.
Thank you again for your time and efforts, we appreciate it!
Bye, Mary & Stewart Crawford

Mary Chayka-Crawford
From: Kimberly Spartain posted at 26/01/2006 21:53:38 send a comment
your website is so cool!

thank you for helping me with my project! you guys are awesome!
kim spartain
ps please write me weekly
with all of the cool stuff that's going on!

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